A unique training, coaching and mentoring experience
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Helping individuals, groups and organisations
By applying innovative techniques and principles to develop people as individuals, groups or teams, we deliver a unique training, coaching and mentoring experience. Mindfulness has been proven to reduce stress, improve concentration, empathy and resilience, and strengthen confidence. Those who practice have more appreciation for the here and now, and display more innovative and creative approaches to problem solving.
The Chan School of Nunchaku uses a unique and hands-on approach to mindfulness that has been developed from the practice of martial arts, particularly kobudo (traditional Okinawan weapons) and various meditation techniques over a 30 year period.
We work with children of different ages to improve their well-being, concentration, connection with each other and the world.
Training sessions for teachers can give them tools for overcoming stress, bonding more as a team and engaging more effectively with their students.
Your company’s future depends on a whole range of things that you can’t buy over the counter: creative thinking, team work, strong and effective leadership, a productive culture, effective communication internally within your company and externally with your customers and suppliers.
Health organisations
The human mind is still a mystery to modern science. While we have made massive leaps in understanding cognitive functioning, human behaviour and neurochemistry, there are still many unanswered questions.
Health professionals have come to the realisation that ‘mindfulness’ or ‘meditation’ based techniques can be effectively used to help treat mental illness and improve the mental health of people in general. Furthermore, mindfulness has benefits for physical health not only through improving the mindsets of practitioners but because of proven physiological effects such as reduced blood pressure, lower heart rate and lower levels of harmful hormones.
Promoting mental, physical and spiritual well-being among the prison community – prisoners AND those looking after them. Mindset and attitude play a large part in determining outcomes for prisoners, not only during their time in prison but once they reenter the wider community.
We help to improve those outcomes by giving detainees the mental resilience and mindset to cope better with their situation and see a positive future to aim for. This will lead to more constructive relationships within the prison community.
Those working in prisons can also benefit greatly from engagement and leadership training, and from stress reduction techniques.
Personal development
Whether you are in a senior management role, are somebody looking to take more command over your destiny or just want to get fit and feel better about yourself, one to one coaching and mentoring could be what you are looking for.
I design one-to-one training packages specifically to match you! Some people want more emphasis on mindfulness training, others are looking for an improvement in fitness, self-confidence and assertiveness and may ask me for self-defence training for example,
Martial artists
Whatever your specific discipline,we can help you with Adrenal Stress Training (AST), awareness exercises (mindfulness-based), and engagement exercises that will make you respond more effectively to real situations. You will be better equipped to de-escalate situations and will remain more fluid, relaxed and effective if violence is inevitable.
Mental programming training can help martial artists to fine-tune their responses in adrenaline charged situations, and to enhance their day to day mindset.
For those who are more interested in combative maneouvres, we offer creative and practical training in a variety of weapons, including nunchaku, as well as specialist training on improvised weapons use, within the limits of the law for self-defence application.
Your place or ours: your choice
Provided you have the appropriate space we can deliver training on your premises. If not, we will source a suitable venue for the type of training that you want.
Mushin Ryu Self-Defence
The Chan School of Nunchaku runs a regular class for those who are interested in a progressing through an in-depth and reality based syllabus. Click here for further details.
Thanks for visiting
Please take a look around the site where you can find further details on all our services as well as a blog platform that carries an interesting selection of articles and self-development and mental well-being.
To book your workshop, seminar or program or just to find out more, get in touch today.
Thanks for visiting.